DIY Free Credit Letters

Successfully Raise Your Credit All By Yourself…

DIY Free Credit Letters can help your credit repair efforts by helping you to identify errors and challenge those items. Fill out the form for a free monthly credit letter

How to Successfully Repair Your Credit All By Yourself

Digging yourself out of a bad credit hole is something you can get professional assistance with, but you can also make significant improvements on your own. This guide provides helpful tips on how to spot credit repair scams, how to fix bad information on your credit report, how to boost your credit score and more.


Review Each Report

Once you’ve received your reports and read through each one, be on the lookout for errors or particularly damaging items.

Remove Negative Items

A successful dispute should result in the removal of negative items by the creditor or credit bureau and could help improve your credit score.

Access Your Credit

 Some creditors or lenders may not share your information with all three credit bureaus, so requesting all three reports helps you.


  • Figure out where you stand.
  • If you find errors, dispute them.
  • Stop the bleeding.
  • Pay all bills on time going forward.
  • Pay down credit card balances.
  • Don’t apply for new credit.
  • Summary.

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